We’ve created a marketing services DAO

Join our mission to build Web3 startups to be proud of

Web3 startups struggle to find the best people for rapid growth and can’t incentivise them for long-term success. Growth experts are needed on-demand, with reliable experience and strong reputation. The Growth DAO community is chock full of experts with the specific skills needed to help Web3 startups succeed, and they’re rewarded with GRWTH tokens so everyone who contributes to the success is rewarded for it.

Deploy Web3 startup experts

Scale your Web3 project

Align community incentives


The Growth DAO collective

We’re building a decentralised organisation to scale Web3 startups

For Web3 startups

Growth DAO provides startups with an on-demand pool of the best talent, all highly motivated. Specialising in growth marketing, we know how to scale startups and generate exponential returns. Using our technology, you create projects, add talent, generate contracts and complete payment. Everyone is rewarded in GRWTH tokens to align incentives.

  • On-demand pool of the best marketing talent
  • Growth Strategists take full ownership
  • Proven Web3 frameworks for scalable growth
  • Platform to manage contracts and payment

For growth experts

We’ve built Growth DAO with our community of freelancers at the core. We support people’s desire to find fulfillment in their work, and not feel like they’re an anonymous cog in a big machine. Fundamental to this is working on exciting, innovative projects alongside other interesting, motivated and fun people. You get to select which startups we accept and contribute to startups you feel passionate about. Earning GRWTH and reputation enables you to benefit from the long-term success of your work.

  • Build the next wave of Web3 startups
  • Get ownership within your DAO projects 
  • Clear contracts and seamless payment
  • Join our Web3 ecosystem and community

For parters

Growth DAO is collaborating with leading ecosystems, accelerators and communities looking to grow their projects. Partner organisations can plug into our platform to get exclusive access to the Growth DAO talent pool. As a dynamic force in the Web3 space, we specialise in empowering partners to thrive. Join forces with us and harness the power of our Web3 marketing expertise.

We must work together to bring the future of the internet to the masses. Our members are already working across several different projects and startups. Let’s support them by bringing exciting opportunities to the table and collaborating with the best organisations. Together we will work towards our vision to build a portfolio of enterprises with a combined market cap of $10bn.

The Growth DAO ecosystem

A united, global community of entrepreneurial leaders, startup enthusiasts and growth experts

The Growth DAO ecosystem aims to foster the next wave of startups and build a portfolio of decentralised organisations with a combined market cap of $10bn.

Growth DAO believes the key drivers of a successful ecosystem are below. These drivers interact together to form an ecosystem flywheel.


Web3 startup ideas

Top startup talent

Access to capital

Network effects

Our Portfolio

We accept the most promising startups from the next wave of innovation

“Since partnering up, we saw a major improvement in terms of awareness — the number of active users increased. The team works collaboratively, providing regular updates and feedback to keep both sides on the same page. They’re dedicated, open-minded, and reliable.”

Marketing Manager Nala Money