Why join Growth DAO

Built by startup founders, experts and investors

Growth DAO is the world’s first venture building Web3 ecosystem, a fully online and remote ecosystem of Web3 growth experts who have come together to build the next best Web3 startups.

We accept the most promising Web3 startups to work with, then form a custom team of growth experts for them based on their specific needs at the time. We strongly believe bringing in very specialised Web3 growth experts on freelance contracts to startups is a much more effective way to enable them to grow compared with traditional full-time employee contracts. Our community of Web3 growth experts includes some of the best experts available.

Independent, meaningful work

Build the next wave of startups

Contribute to a growing DAO

Earn GRWTH tokens

Our Story

How we came to build the first venture building Web3 ecosystem


Built and grew mobile ordering app startup

Nearly a decade ago two young entrepreneurs by the names of Tom and Tristan got together to build a mobile ordering and payment app startup. They experienced the joys and challenges of building a tech startup and learnt a lot about the key challenges startup founders face when taking a product to market.


Worked as freelance growth consultants

After growing a startup across the UK Tom & Tristan decided become startup growth freelancers. Tom helped consult startups on how to raise funding and Tristan consulted startups on go-to-market strategy and CRM implementations. This experience led them to learn more about the key challenges of freelance life.


Founders of Growth Division

After experiencing life as founders they realised there are some serious errors in the way many startups go about finding scalable channels to market. Often they waste a lot of time and money on using “generalist marketers”, instead of channel specific experts. So, Growth Division was born as a community of startup growth experts.


Founding members of Growth DAO

Through Growth Division our community spotted more and more exciting opportunities in the Web3 space. And the DAO structure seemed like a logical next step in the community’s path towards scalability. Now, the token system aligns everyone’s incentives and allows us to scale Web3 startups more effectively.

Our Portfolio

We accept the most promising startups from the next wave of innovation

Growth DAO Tokenomics

Distributing value equitably across the community via GRWTH

The tokenisation of the Growth DAO community is the critical innovation to align incentives. Our unique model and approach to Tokenomics will differentiate Growth DAO from the competition over the long term.

  • It is a value-backed token where startup growth is the driver of value 
  • Retainer fees are collected by the Treasury in USDC (a stablecoin tethered to $USD) and distributed to members based on pre-agreed contracts 
  • Members earn GRWTH as an incentivised upside to client longevity and success 
  • Growth DAO profits 20% of the startup retainer fees, which are allocated to the Treasury or rewarded to referring members. 
  • If the client is referred by a member 5% of the retainer is given as a referral reward in GRWTH which forms a built-in growth mechanism 
  • Investors stake capital to the Liquidity Pool, earning LP tokens to track ownership and returns